Dan Kim

Getting to 100% Kotlin — A practical guide (Droidcon NYC 2017, Android Summit 2017)


A lot of teams are super excited by Kotlin and are ready to go all-in with it. But while exciting, it can also be stressful — learning a brand new language while converting old code and writing new features, all at the same time? How does a team get there as smoothly as possible? We’re here to help! At Basecamp we’ve worked hard to make our codebase 100% Kotlin over the course of the last year. We learned a lot and want to share a roadmap of how you can get there too. If you’re just starting out with Kotlin but can already see its potential, this talk is for you. We’ll share our best overarching strategies and tips based on a year of real-world shipping — how to get started, how to keep moving forward, and pitfalls to keep an eye out for. No theory here, this is all based on our actual experiences getting to 100% Kotlin.